Maximise your listings

Maximising Listing Management for a profitable business

eBay is a great platform for starting your own business from the comfort of your home. There are various tools and features that you can use to make it easier to run your business on eBay. For example, you can automate your listing process with the most powerful bulk features through our Bulk Listing & Editing tool. You can also edit up to 500 listings at a time, enabling you to save hours of work on an individual listing. However, having your listings on eBay may not be enough to turn your business around as fast as you’d like. Which is why you need to learn the know-how of Listing Management. 

Maybe your items are not selling simply because they fall into the “Non-Converting Listing.”

What is a “Non-Converting Listing?

“Non-Converting Listing” refers to the percentage of people who clicked on a listing but did not purchase the item.

This means a buyer clicks on your listing but does not buy the item, turning that item a Non-Converting Listing.

On the other hand, listings that not only have a lot of clicks, but a lot of clicks that convert to purchases are considered high-demand items.

So, your goal here is to convert visitors into customers. You don’t want your visitors just to drop by to browse. You want them to click the “Buy It Now” button before they leave.

How do you do this? By knowing what your competition is up to.

Study your competition

Competition on eBay is stiff. There may be a lot of sellers out there with the same idea, selling the same items as you. So, how do you outrank your competition? The answer is research. Here are the main reasons why you should research your competition.

To use as a benchmark for your own listing and pricing
To learn the best practices for listing
To assess the potential of a new product
To assess price opportunities
To determine market share
To decide how to outdo your competition

Manage and grow your business in one convenient location

The eBay Seller Hub is where you'll find marketing guidance and analytics insights that will help you make informed decisions on how to grow your eBay business.

The Seller Hub provides a complete and regularly updated view of how your business is performing. This helps you quickly identify your most profitable items and areas that may need improvement.

You will also have direct access to your eBay Seller Dashboard with detailed reports to help you monitor your performance.

Utilise the new Growth tab to manage your listings better

Beat competitors with better insights

The new Growth tab in the Seller Hub shows you the selling secrets that give you an advantage over your competition. 

Here, we'll teach you how to use features like: 

  • Listing improvements

  • Sourcing guidance

  • Restock advice

Under the Growth tab, you can view the median price of your competitor’s items and the number of items for each listing including price competitiveness metrics for listings.

Listing Insights

Use Listing Insights to get recommended pricings based on eBay and other trending market platforms.

You will also be able to see your sales vs total sales on eBay for the same product.

How to monitor traffic and conversion rates to your listing

The Performance tab of the Seller Hub indicates the key conversion and traffic levels for your orders. Click the Performance tab and select Traffic to view these metrics.

From this Traffic section, sellers can view the amount of “impressions” of their listings, click-through rates, listing page views and sales conversion rates.

  • Traffic to your listing @ impressions is affected by the accuracy of your listing title. You also need to be as complete and informative about your product identifiers & item specifics as you can.

  • Click-through-rates @ CTR refers to interest in your listing. Interest can be boosted by the following:

- a clear listing title

- quality images or pictures on a white background
- competitive pricing

How to analyse your listings

Under the Growth tab, click on Listing Improvements – Underperforming Listings – Analyse Listing.

You will then be able to get a sold and active listings pricing comparison of items like yours. This will help you determine where and how you can make improvements.

In the Improve listings section, you will be able to see which of your listings could use some work. Select Analyse listings and recommendations and we’ll compare that listing to similar items from other sellers, and recommend where we think you could improve on

Here you can see your listing traffic and sales conversion rate and also how your item is doing compared to your competitors.

Understanding Conversion Rates - Low conversion rate

The following is an example of how you calculate your sales conversion rate. Your sales conversion rate falls below average when your number of sales is less than 2-3% of your total listing page views

If this is the case, you should review your total listings page views to see if they have decreased. 

Sellers with low view amounts should also check their click-through rate to see what factors are affecting the listing’s traffic.

You should also check your sales rates under the Sales section of the Performance tab to see if it’s decreased and if so, by how much.

Know when to restock

If your momentum is strong but need reminders when your items are running low, use Restocking Advice to get updated alerts.

Strategies to fix low sales conversion rates

1. Remove poor performing products

Products which aren’t converting into sales are eating into your daily budget — funds which you could be using to promote products that do sell well.

2. Monitor your inventory closely

Listing an item that you don’t have is not only bad inventory management but also bad customer service that can affect your Seller Performance Standards. 

Learn  how to handle your Out-Of-Stock options

3.Reconsider your price tag

Check whether you need to lower your pricing. Listing prices that are higher than competitors’ rates are less likely to result in sales. Check the median competitor price for your listing to see if you need to lower your rate.

4. Offer free shipping

Listings with free shipping are ranked higher in Best Match results. Higher ranking leads to better chances of getting sales. 

Read up on Free Shipping

Being a successful eBay seller requires work. So do your homework and research. Learn how to gain the advantage over your competition. Make the eBay Seller Hub your business consultant and become a master of Listing Management.