St Joseph Statue

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St. Joseph Statue

Saint Joseph, the patron saint of the Universal Church, is well-known even outside of religious circles. In fact, St. Joseph may have been used to help real estate transactions move smoothly in your own neighborhood. This is because when you bury a statue of the saint, legend says it will help you sell your house and find a new home!

Why would a statue of Joseph help you sell your house?

Joseph was employed as a carpenter. It is said that Joseph taught Jesus the trade of craftsman, and he ensured that Jesus was always housed. Because of that, an intercession to St. Joseph is said to help a seller who needs to sell their house.

What do you do with the statue?

It's most common to position the statue upside down with Joseph facing the house and bury it. Some people choose to put the statue near the "for sale" sign while others choose to bury it in a flower garden or closer to the house.

Do you have to be Catholic to pray to Saint Joseph?

No, anyone may ask for intercession from the saints. Some religions choose to pray to Jesus directly, but there's no rule prohibiting prayer to saints even if you're not Catholic. Pagan/Christian hybrid religions like hoodoo also feature saints in a prominent way.

What should you do with the statue after the sale?

After selling your house and saying a prayer of thanks, there are two alternatives. Your family might choose to display Joseph in a place of honor in your new house. Simply dig up the statue and clean it. Place on your mantle, a bookshelf, or other holy or honored place. Alternately, you can pass the statue along to friends or family members who are selling their home.

Is there a statue prayer for help selling a house?

There is no single prayer that a seller should use while burying the statue of Joseph, and many variations can be found. In addition to asking for guidance and help through the process, some people recommend saying a novena to Joseph or a series of prayers said for nine successive days.

Do you need to clean the Joseph statue?

Ideally, you should wrap him in a cloth prior to burying to help with protection from the dirt. If needed, most statuettes can be gently washed with warm water to remove any dirt or debris.