Scene It Game Pieces & Parts

Scene It Game Pieces & Parts

Have you seen it? If you love movies and television shows, Scene It has a lot of trivia pertaining to both. From general cinematic knowledge to franchise-specific tributes, you will find a Scene It that is a fit for you and your family.

How do you play Scene It?

The object of Scene It is to travel around the game board and be the first to enter the winners circle while answering fun movie trivia. Two to four players or teams of players can participate. To begin, teams roll the die to determine turn order. During each turn, the team rolls two dice and answers a trivia question or completes a DVD challenge with movie clips in order to advance. This team continues to play until a challenge fails or a question is answered incorrectly. Then, it is the next teams turn. In order to win the game, the first team to finish must complete an additional challenge or questions.

The game board is designed to allow for play times of varying lengths. Part of the board can be folded under to orchestrate a shorter game. Scene It is recommended for ages 6 to adult.

What pieces and parts are included in Scene It?

Pieces differ slightly depending on the edition being used. In addition to the instruction manual, most Scene It sets contain the following elements:

  • DVD that features video clips
  • A flexible board
  • Two dice - A six-sided numbered die and eight-sided category die
  • Four metal character tokens
  • Game cards - Four category reference cards, 30 buzz cards (called the "Prime Directive" in the Star Trek game), and 160 trivia cards
Can you replace parts and pieces?

Replacement pieces, such as pewter character-themed tokens (also called pawns or movers), trivia card decks, dice, game boards, boxes, DVDs, and instruction booklets are available.

What Scene It topics are available?

Scene It is available for both general movie and television topics as well as genre or franchise-specific variants.

General pop culture tops include Movie 1st and 2nd Edition, Deluxe Movie and its sequel, Comedy Movie, Junior for children, Music, Sports, 80s, and TV Editions.

Variations based around a specific movie or series include Harry Potter 1st and 2nd Editions, Harry Potter: The Complete Cinematic Journey, James Bond, Marvel Comics, Friends, Pirates of the Caribbean, Doctor Who, the OC, Seinfeld, Star Trek, Star Wars, The Simpsons, Twilight and Twilight Saga, and Glee Editions.

Variations based on specific production companies or television networks include Warner Bros. 50th Anniversary, HBO, Turner Classic Movies, Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, Disney Magical Moments, Sony Pictures Animation, and Disney 1st and 2nd Editions.

Other miscellaneous versions include the FIFA Edition.

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