Saunders Orthotics, Braces & Orthopedic Sleeves


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Helpful Information About Saunders Orthotic Braces and Sleeves

Chronic back and neck pain impacts every aspect of your daily life. Simply lifting a morning cup of coffee shouldn't be an endurance test. Saunders cervical traction can help relieve neck and back pain, letting you get on with your day. Find the right braces and sleeves for you on eBay.

How to use a neck traction device

A Saunders cervical traction unit stretches your vertebrae, reducing strain from compression. It pulls your head up and away from your neck. The result is often a near-instant reduction in pain related to a neck injury. To use this device properly, discuss your intent with your doctor or physical therapist.

How much force should you use with a neck stretcher?

Traction uses weights and pulleys to pull your bones into alignment. The portable Saunders home cervical traction unit can deliver up to 50 pounds of force. You can set the traction angle anywhere between 15 to 25 degrees, giving you more control over where and how the force impacts your neck. Also, this adjustable cervical traction device directs energy away from your jaw so there is no TMJ compression while you use it, helping to minimize the risk of any complications.

Features to look for in a neck stretcher

Get the most out of your therapy by using a device that offers the right amount of force at the right angle and in a natural position. Some traction units only offer vertical traction, while others allow for lateral movement. An adjustable fit can help keep you comfortable in a neck traction unit while laying on a flat surface during a session. For best results, do not lay on a bed or other soft area.

When to consider a cervical traction device

Cervical traction is often prescribed by a medical professional. Your primary care doctor, specialist, or physical therapist may recommend traction. If traction is part of your ongoing treatment plan, you might spend an hour per day strapped to a convenient Saunders cervical traction device.

How to choose a cervical traction device

While not considered a durable medical device, a neck stretcher is often covered by insurance as a brace. A prescription can help minimize the out-of-pocket costs associated with the purchase. If an affordable neck traction unit isn't available through your insurance, you may want to consider buying used. A gently used cervical traction unit is often a low-cost alternative to buying new. These braces can last for years, often with little change from one version to another.

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