Satellite Phone

Comprehensive Category Guide to Satellite Phones

If you want to be able to make calls from anywhere in the world without having to be near a cell tower, one of the satellite phones in this collection might be the perfect solution for you. eBay offers several various models of satellite phones and cell phones for sale, and you'll want to be familiar with the following information before you decide on which phone you want.

Satellite phones, also known as sat phones, offer unparalleled connectivity in remote areas where traditional cell phones falter. Understanding the diverse range of options available can help you make an informed choice when investing in one.

When searching for satellite phones for sale, consider factors like network coverage, durability, and battery life. Whether you're an adventurer, journalist, or emergency responder, having a reliable sat phone can be a lifesaver in critical situations.

Which brands make these types of phones?

Here are some examples of the brands that make satellite phones:

  • Iridium
  • BlueCosmo
  • Qualcomm
  • Globalstar
What accessories for these phones are available?

Satellite phones vary in price and features, with some models offering additional capabilities like GPS tracking and messaging services. Before making a purchase, compare prices and features to find the best fit for your needs and budget.

While most of the satellite phones in this collection come with all of the parts that they need to operate out of the box, some of the listings for satellite phones conveniently offered here on eBay may come with special accessories. Some examples of these accessories include:

  • Waterproof cases - Some of the phones in this collection come with waterproof cases. If you're purchasing a phone to use while you're out at sea or on a river rafting trip, a phone that comes with this accessory might be perfect for your needs.
  • Extra batteries - Most of the phones in this collection come with at least one battery, but some may come with extras.
  • Leather cases - These cases fit snugly on the body of your satellite phone, and they provide extra grip and some protection from the elements.
  • Wrist straps - Wrist straps for these phones generally attach near the top, and they help ensure that you don't drop your phone if you're in extreme conditions.
  • Wi-Fi hotspots - Some manufacturers of satellite phones also make Wi-Fi hotspots that provide an internet signal from satellite data.
  • Detachable antennas - Extra antennas can be useful if your original antenna breaks and detachable antennas also make satellite phones easier to store.
How do you choose the right satellite phone?

Since all of the phones in this collection can be used anywhere in the world, factors like coverage maps, which matter for traditional phones, are meaningless. Instead, variables like battery life, signal strength, and optional accessories take the fore. If you'll be out in the field for extended periods, accessories like waterproof cases and extra batteries might be just what you need. You may want to pick a phone that comes with additional features like a wrist strap or a leather case if you don't want to risk dropping your phone at the worst possible moment.

For those on a tighter budget, exploring used phones for sale can be a cost-effective option. However, ensure that the device is in good condition and compatible with your chosen satellite network.

While satellite phones may not offer the same convenience as traditional cell phones or mobile phones in urban areas, they provide essential communication lifelines in remote or disaster-stricken regions. By understanding the options available and considering your specific requirements, you can confidently invest in a sat phone that keeps you connected wherever your adventures take you.