Radiators & Parts for Volkswagen Jetta

Radiators and Parts for Volkswagen Jetta

Keep your Volkswagen Jetta healthy over the long haul with your choice of automotive cooling system components. Automotive motor-cooling systems perform vital functions that keep your engine components healthy. Valuable for interior cooling and heating in addition to engine-temperature control, your next Jetta radiator - or its supporting parts - await your attention.

What are the components of your Volkswagen cooling system?

While your Jetta radiator is of critical value to your automotive cooling system, many other parts act as supporting characters. The main auxiliary parts and accessories of your Volkswagen Jetta sedan include the:

  • Pressure cap: This part helps the radiator maintain proper coolant pressure in your VW. Under normal operating conditions, the coolant in the system expands as it heats up. This expansion causes excess pressure, which the pressure cap then allows to escape through the exhaust system. This pressure-release cycle prevents damage to the Jettas cooling system components and also prevents your coolant from boiling over.
  • Water pump: To make circulation possible, the fluid in a cooling system needs outside assistance. The water pump provides such help and keeps the coolant flowing so long as the engine is on.
  • Thermostat: This part is a special temperature-sensing valve with the power to prevent coolant from entering the engine block until hot enough. When the coolant reaches operating temperatures, the thermostat opens up and allows the fluid to circulate past the cylinders.
  • Head gasket: Within any engine lies an engine block as well as cylinder heads. The junction where they meet needs to be fluid-tight to avoid any coolant or oil from leaking out, and the head gasket performs this function.
  • Hoses: Vehicle engine cooling systems include lots of fluid that needs proper corralling and channeling, and cooling system hoses perform this service. These include upper and lower radiator hoses, heater hoses, and bypass hoses.
  • Heater core: When you turn on your VW vehicleu001as interior heating system, the heater core swings into motion. Resembling a mini-radiator, the heater core receives hot coolant from the engine. A fan directs air over the core and then through the air vents, warming up the vehicleu001as interior and its occupants in the process.
How can you tell if you need to replace the hoses?

If your cooling system hoses fail, you can be stranded on the roadside. However, you can avoid this fate by keeping an eye on the condition of these hoses. Any bulges, splits, or other obvious signs of wear warrant replacement of such hoses. A coolant filter will help.

Should the pressure cap in your Jetta be tested?

Cooling system cap failure presents severe risks to the ongoing health of Volkswagen motor models. To catch such malfunctions before they occur - and to prevent overheating and serious damage - you should periodically perform cap pressure tests.