Pink Flat Screen TVs

Finding and Choosing Pink Flat Screen TVs

A TV often becomes the focal point of the room it is in, so it makes sense to choose one that you like the look of. A pink model might not fit in with everyone's living room decor, but it is sure to be eye-catching.

What Type of Flat Screen Should I Get?

  • LED LCDs use LEDs to backlight or sidelight an LCD screen. The LEDs can make these screens very bright, so it is easy to see all the action even in a sunny room. They also last a long time. LEDs lose brightness very slowly and the LCD displays aren't prone to burn-in. There are plenty of choices when it comes to this type of television as major manufacturers like LG, Sony, and Samsung make a lot of them.
  • OLED televisions aren't as common, but they have a lot of fans thanks to their different image quality properties. OLED displays can produce very deep colors as each pixel is an individual diode that can be turned off. They also offer a wide range of viewing angles and can be made very thin as they don't need an LED backlighting system.
  • Plasma televisions are no longer being produced, but they are still being used. Plasma displays provide a very high contrast ratio, particularly compared to LED displays, and they render moving images well without introducing motion blur.

Which Size Should I Look For?

  • The right screen size depends a lot on how far away you plan on viewing it. For a 1080p display, a good size is around half of the viewing distance, so if the TV is 6 feet from your sofa, you would need a screen of around 36 inches. 4K screens can be bigger, potentially equal to the viewing distance, so you could watch a 72-inch display without noticing a difference in image quality. See the manufacturer site for size details.
  • The right size also depends on the resolution of your display. The higher the resolution, the bigger you can make the screen and the closer you can sit to it without reducing picture quality. Conversely, on a small screen, you may see less difference between a 1080p Full HD image and a 4K Ultra HD image.
  • Consider the size of your room as well. Most people can't fit a 72-inch flat screen TV into a small room. A smaller screen may also be the right choice if you don't want it to become the focal point of your room.

Which Other Features Might I Want in My Pink Television?

  • Look for a device with plenty of HDMI sockets and other relevant inputs. Most people don't just want to use a TV, they also want DVD and Blu-ray players, sound bars, and games consoles. You can also find combo devices that include built-in DVD players.
  • Smart TVs can connect to the Internet and run apps and streaming services. This allows them to act as more versatile entertainment hubs.