Nikon D4 Digital Cameras


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Nikon D4 is a professional-grade camera primarily aimed towards sports enthusiasts, filmmakers, and photojournalists who want to capture images of fast-moving objects, and it has a powerful 16.2-megapixel resolution sensor. The main attraction is the improved auto-focus and metering sensors that can yield 200 full-resolution images at 10fps. Many affordable options are available on eBay.

How does Nikon D4 differ from the previous D3 model?

For enthusiasts who are hooked on Nikon, there are some essential differences in the newer D4 compared to the previous model. The following are some of the improved functions:

  • Image details - The newer model, Nikon D4, offers a comparatively greater 16.2-megapixel sensor compared to the 12.1-megapixels used in the previous model.
  • Dynamic range of colors - Due to 0.9 EV of extra DR, the D4 can capture a broader range of light and dark details. Experts suggest that it can offer 1.2 bits more color depth than its predecessor. It can also shoot in very dim light conditions.
  • Image processing - The advanced EXPEED 3.0 version provides better imaging compared to the original EXPEED technology used by D3 cameras.
What are the different model ranges of Nikon DSLR cameras?

For marketing purposes, Nikon divides its DSLR camera range into six levels. The entry-level cameras are usually highlighted by four-digit numbers such as D3200 and D3100. This model range is followed by the upper-entry range characterized by 5000-series, which includes D510, D5200, among others. This upper-entry camera range also contains D50, D40X, and D60 cameras.

For more advanced users, the mid-range contains cameras that are distinguished by 7000-series such as D7000 and D7100. The mid-range also incorporates D70, D80, and D90 models.

The advanced-range cameras are mostly in D-series, which starts from D100, and ends in the high-end D700, D750, and Df models. As for Nikon D4, it is considered to be a part of the most advanced level, characterized by a single digit such as D4, D1, and D2.

Is Nikon D4 compatible with your lens?

The camera is compatible with AF NIKKOR lenses, including G and D models. You can also use a DX lens and Ai-P Nikkor lens without adjustment. As for non-CPU AI lens, it will only work with exposure mode A and M. Some of the other compatible devices are IX-NIKKOR lenses and lenses for F3AF. When buying a compatible lens, it should be noted that the electronic rangefinder can only be used with lenses that have faster apertures of at least f/5.6 focal length.