Muslin Scenic Photo Studio Background Materials

Create Memories Using Durable Backdrops Made from Muslin

Without a scenic backdrop, photos can seem rather plain and dull. By using a backdrop made from muslin and others materials, you're starting with a blank canvas, so to speak. You can leave the colored or white fabric as is or paint a design on its surface. Select accessories to use with the background material to enhance your photography and improve image quality.

Why Does a Photographer Use Backdrops?

Backdrops are created from one piece of cloth so images have a seamless, classic look. By keeping a mix of backdrops on hand, you can switch between scenic, patterned, and solid colored materials as you photograph different objects, whether indoors or outdoors. Likewise, you can cover up background elements that would take away from portrait and scenic shots. You can choose the backdrop best suited to the object to create premium photos and express your artistic style. In most cases, studio backdrops eliminate the need to make computer touchups of the finished product, thereby saving you time and money.

What Are Advantages of Using Muslin Backdrops?

  • Thickness: The 100 percent cotton fabric is thicker than other materials so light doesn't shine through and affect photo image quality. Additionally, when your camera flash goes off, you don't have to worry about shining light on nearby background objects.
  • Easy Care: After months and years of use, backdrops gather dust and may become stained. Fortunately, muslin fabric is washable so you save the cost of taking the studio accessory to a professional dry cleaner. It is also lightweight and easily transported from one photo shoot to the next.
  • Long Lasting: The material is durable so you aren't replacing backdrops every few months. The tightly-woven material holds up to spills and other accidental mishaps.
  • Paintable: Unlike other fabrics, muslin absorbs dyes so blue, red, and other colors don't fade or bleed into a hand-painted design. You can combine light and darker colors without the image taking on a mottled look over time.

What Accessories Can You Use With Backdrops?

  • Support Stand: These self-standing units contain tripods and support bards made from lightweight aluminum. The telescopic parts can be assembled and dissembled for ease of use.
  • Carry Bag: Because muslin has a tendency to wrinkle, it's important to roll up the fabric and place it in a case or bag. The bag protects the backdrop from damage and wrinkles while you carry the equipment to another location.
  • Clamps: So the material doesn't shift while hanging from a stand or other support, you can adhere each corner with a clamp that you squeeze open and close.