Midland 75 822

Experience Convenient Communication with the Midland 75 822 Radio

For long treks and outdoor projects, you need to take your radio with you. The Midland 75 822 is perfect for those long days fishing or when you are out on emergency response. Choose from a variety of new and used 75 822s on eBay.

Does this radio have NOAA access?

Yes. To help you better respond in emergencies and stay in the know, there is instant access to channels 9 and 19 on the Midland 75 822. These are the weather and emergency radio channels from NOAA. Having instant access to these is important in the event of impending and immediate emergencies, such as tornadoes brewing on the horizon or earthquakes in progress. You can better help your neighbors and get yourself emergency help when needed with the instant access on this radio.

Does the mobile converter kit extend the range?

No. Since the Midland 75 822 is a CB radio, it has a legal 4 watts of power. The power rating doesn't change when you mobilize the radio. The power rating is what really affects the range, but you can extend the range with a longer antennae. Of course, there are always things that affect the range more than others, like hilly terrain and how you are using the radio. If you are sensitive to range when working with the radio, it is a good idea to optimize by going out on fair-condition days. You cannot change the wattage on this radio to extend the range, but you can put good practice to use in order to improve it. The antennae on the mobile kit is fairly long, but you can always try attaching a longer one. Each model may have a slightly different procedure, so refer to the manufacturer's instructions.

What are the features of the Midland 75 822?

This rugged Midland 75 822 comes with several features that make it optimal for outdoor use. It features 40 channels and NOAA emergency channel instant access in addition to:

  • Squelch control: This helps reduce or eliminate completely background noise so that you can stay on the radio in wind, rain, and loud motors.
  • Automatic noise limiter: ANL aids reception quality when you receive a weaker signal.
  • Flexible antenna: This antenna is not susceptible to breakage due to its flexible nature. It is also removable so that it doesn't bend during storage.
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