Log Racks

Fireplace Log Racks

As winter approaches each year, people try and prepare for colder weather. Many people have a fireplace to keep the cold at bay in their homes. A fireplace log rack will give you a place to keep your wood, either indoors near the hearth or outdoors for storage.

What materials are the log storage units made of?

Fireplace log racks are mostly made of metal and usually painted black. You can also get bracket kits. These are usually made of metal, but some are made from engineered ABS plastic. The bracket kits are made for two-by-fours.

How much wood will a fireplace log rack hold?

This depends on many factors. The size of the storage unit is the main factor when figuring this out. A cord of wood is 4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet. This equals 128 cubic feet. So, depending on how long your pieces are, this should tell you how much your unit holds. If you have one that is 8 feet long and 4 feet high, then you could store 1/3 cord of 18-inch pieces and 1/2 cord of 24-inch pieces. A round holder would be a little harder to figure the cubic foot of the area.

Should firewood be covered?

This depends on a few things. If you have a shed or an indoor place to store your wood, you will not need to cover it. If you are storing it outdoors, then it depends on whether it is still green or completely dry. Wood that is still somewhat green needs to get plenty of air around it in order to completely dry. Green wood doesn't burn well, so it needs to be allowed to dry. Firewood that is dry, however, can be covered to protect it from the weather. It is not absolutely necessary to cover it as once it is dry, it doesn't take long after a rainstorm for it to dry out again. If, however, it rains or snows a lot where you live, then you might want to cover the wood anyway. There are many options for covering your firewood. You can use plastic or a tarp, but there are also a variety of firewood cover protection systems that can be used also.

What are the features of the fireplace log storage units?

It depends, but there is one feature that all of them offer. They each give you the ability to get your firewood off the ground. Some of them come with a cover for your firewood as well. Some are smaller for storage of a few logs near the fireplace hearth. They can be made of black metal with some decorative features. Others are bigger and meant to be used for the main firewood stack. The bracket kits can be used to make your storage unit any size, depending on how long the two-by-fours you use are.