Keyless Entry Remotes & Fobs for Toyota Prius

Toyota Prius Car and Truck Keyless Entry Remotes and Fobs

Keyless entry remotes and fobs allow you to open your car door without having to insert a key into a lock, making it easy to access your car. You may need to purchase a keyless entry remote replacement in the event that you lose yours. You may also want another one if you share your car with others and want them to have their own key.

What is a keyless entry remote?

Keyless entry remotes allow you to access your car without having to use an actual lock. You can unlock and lock your car at a distance. This can be helpful if you have something in your hands or if you have walked away from your car and forgot to lock it. Keyless entry remotes for the Prius allow you to start your vehicle without having to insert a key into the ignition as well. As long as the key is in the vehicle, you can start it. You can also use the remote to open the trunk and to set off an alarm in the event of an emergency. The fob also only opens the drivers side door on the first click as a safety feature. Two clicks will open the rest of the vehicle.

How do keyless entry remotes work?

There are some fairly high-tech electronics involved in the keyless entry process.

  • Radio transmitter: There is a radio transmitter located inside the key fob. It sends a coded signal to the receiver.
  • Radio receiver: The radio receiver receives the signal because it is tuned to the frequency used by the remote. This frequency is usually 300 or 400 MHz.
How do you program a key fob for your Prius?

When you get a new remote, you have to program it to work with your Prius. Here are the steps to program it:

  1. Insert and remove the remote four times from the dashboard receptacle. The drivers door must then be opened and shut six times. The new remote is now ready for programming.
  2. Put the new key fob into the receptacle. Wait until the red light turns on, blinks, and then goes off. The key fob has now been programmed to start the car.
  3. For programming the lock and unlock function on your new key fob, begin by opening the drivers side door. In a span of five seconds, insert and remove the old key fob into the receptacle twice.
  4. Close and shut the drivers side door twice. Put the old remote in the receptacle and remove again. Open and close the door twice. Put the old key fob in again and press the power button four times. Get out and remove the old key fob.
  5. Hold down both buttons on the new key fob at the same time until the locks go off.