Keyless Entry Remotes & Fobs for Chevrolet Cobalt

Chevrolet Cobalt Car and Truck Keyless Entry Remotes and Fobs

Chevrolet Cobalt car and truck keyless entry remotes and fobs can be replaced if you lose them. If you need to have a replacement or spare, there are options available. Learning more about them will help ensure that you buy the right parts.

What is a keyless entry system?

A keyless entry system allows you to open and close doors without having to use a key. This protects the exterior of your car from little scratches. It also provides convenience because you can get into your car much faster. The system involves a receiving unit being installed in your car. If you dont already have the feature, you can buy a kit that includes the key fob as well as the receiving unit so that you can enjoy the benefits of being keyless.

How do you program a key fob?

Programming a key fob requires being inside the vehicle. This makes it easier for the transponder to communicate with the receiving unit. The instructions will provide you with the sequence of buttons that should be pressed so that it syncs properly. In some instances, you may have to have it programmed with the central computer of your car.

How does the fob communicate with the car?

A key fob communicates with your Chevrolet through short-wave radio signals. The fob has a transponder in it, and your car has a receiving unit. When you are in close proximity to your car, you can use the keyless entry remote to send a signal. Depending on the key fob, you can press a button to lock or unlock the doors, set off a panic alarm, or even open the trunk.

What is a key blank?

A key blank is often provided with a key fob to ensure that you have a full replacement. The key blank might be built into the bow of the key, depending on the model. The blank means that the blades of the key have yet to be cut, so they are blank on both sides. You can have it cut by a locksmith or dealership so that it works with your ignition lock cylinder.

What kind of battery does the remote take?

One of the main reasons that a keyless entry remote stops working is because the battery needs to be changed. Most key fobs will take a small, coin-cell battery. You can replace the lithium-ion battery to ensure that your remote works once again.