ABS System Parts for Toyota RAV4

Toyota RAV4 ABS System Parts

Stay proactive about your safety with the assistance of a Toyota RAV4 ABS system. ABS brakes kick into action during skids, helping you maintain steerage and avoid obstacles. Whether you require a rear or front wheel braking assistance, you can find the help you need with ABS brakes in action on your Toyota.

What should you know about ABS on your RAV4?

The anti-lock braking system or ABS is a vehicle safety system that helps you stay in control of your Toyota RAV4 during skids and slides. This system comes into play when you push the brakes with full force. It also allows you to control vehicle direction.

How do four-wheel and two-wheel ABS differ?

ABS appear on cars and trucks in either two or four-wheel varieties. Two-wheel ABS are more common on a variety of larger vehicles, including trucks, SUVs, and vans. Designers place the anti-lock system on the rear wheels to prevent them from locking, and the vehicle from fish-tailing.

Four-wheel ABS systems are used on smaller passenger cars and many SUVs. In addition to providing the anti-yaw protection afforded by rear-ABS, four-wheel braking systems focus on maintaining front wheel control. They do this by using wheel sensors to pinpoint the ongoing position of the wheels in relation to car velocity. When the ABS computer senses tire lock, it activates hydraulic pumps that rapidly pulse your Toyota RAV4 brakes many times per second, keeping them from locking or skidding.

What are some common Toyota RAV4 parts you may need?

While each type of ABS system has unique aspects, most share many common parts. The following lists some components critical to proper ABS performance in a RAV4.

  • Modulator valves: These control air pressure levels when the ABS system activates.
  • Electronic Control Unit (ECU): This is a generic term for computerized controllers that monitor and control ABS functions.
  • Wheel speed sensor: Many wheel speed sensors use magnet pickups to create electrical pulses that indicate wheel speed.
  • Tooth wheel: Used in tandem with wheel speed sensors, tooth wheels are ring-shaped metal parts with 80-120 teeth spaced at specific intervals. The sensor produces a signal as the teeth move past it, and the ECU translates the signal into wheel speed.
When should you replace your Toyotas ABS brake parts?

While you may recognize certain obvious brake problems on your own, it is always a good idea to consult a trained and certified professional when Toyota RAV4 brake issues arise. That said, ABS warning lights will activate for one of the following reasons.

  • Faulty pumps
  • Damaged toothed rings
  • Failed power-boost
  • Malfunctioning wheel-sensors