19 - 22.9 Inch CRT Monitors

What are CRT Model Computer Monitors?

Many people are working with LCD monitors for their daily computer use. There are some who don't enjoy working with LCD but prefer CRT monitors. But what are 19 inch and 22 inch CRT monitors and how do they work?

How Do CRT Model Computer Monitors Work?

Before you make the switch from your LCD monitor to a CRT monitor, how does the technology work?

  • The key part of CRT technology is in the cathode ray tube that is installed behind the monitor on your desktop.
  • The tube has a heated filament (the cathode) that creates an electron beam.
  • The monitor of a CRT model desktop display has a ton of red, green, and blue phosphor dots that create the image on the display when they're hit with the electron beam from the cathode ray tube.
  • The three ways the electron beam creates an image on the monitor:
    • Shadow mask, which is made of small holes for the electron beam to pass through
    • Aperture-grill, a type of faceplate made of tiny vertical wires.
    • Slot mask, which combines the shadow mask and the aperture-grill to send electron beams to the monitor.
  • These things combine to create the picture size and resolution on your monitor display.

What are the Benefits of a CRT Monitor?

Now that you know how CRT computers work, what are the benefits of using a display screen with CRT over an LCD?

  • The key benefit of using a CRT monitor is for retro gaming. Older computer games from the 80s and 90s were created with the resolution and screen of a CRT monitor in mind.
  • You'll never need to rescale the image on a CRT monitor because they work with any resolution.
  • CRT monitors have high-resolution and create accurate colors and gray-scale images.

What are the Disadvantages of a CRT Monitor?

Although there are many positives to owning a CRT monitor, there are also potential disadvantages.

  • The key drawback to a CRT monitor is size. You won't necessarily get the same inches of an LCD screen on a CRT monitor.
  • The traditional screen shape of a CRT monitor is concave or rounded, which can create a problem in a compact workspace. However, most CRT monitors now have flat screens.
  • The sharpness of a CRT screen is not very good.
  • But again, when you're working with an old video game, the creators made the game with the CRT in mind.